De Queens International Girl Campus

Hidaya Campus | Kozhikode
[email protected]

About Us

Company Name : De Queens International Girl Campus
Why focus on girls?

“There is no greater pillar of stability than a strong, free, and educated woman.”
As Ambedkar rightly pointed out, progress of the community can only be measured by
the degree of progress which women have achieved. So we invest our resources on female education and independence.

Moulding the perfect personality

We provide an auspicious environment, where students can achieve multiple opportunities that shapes perfect personality and intelligence which allows them to lead the family, society, nation in forefront with brilliance.

A good society needs responsible citizens, and the quality of citizens depend on the quality of the mentoring they receive. We take it as part of our responsibilty to mould children to become promising citizens in the future. 

The DQ campus stands close to nature so that the students get to experience and interact with nature in first hand. We believe that the best place to begin learning is nature itself, which has encouraged us to create a nature-friendly environment for the learners.

Extra-curricular activities help students unearth hidden talents within them.


Degree Course

BA English BA Arabic BA Sociology BSc Mathematics BSc Psychology

Price: ₹0

Diploma In Islamic Studies & Ideal Lifestyle


Price: ₹0

Certificate Course In Qur'an Studies and Tajweed


Price: ₹0



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